Continuous Testing With Containers

Containers. Every manager thinks they want them, but few teams have experience in knowing what to DO with them. Used thoughtfully, containerization of your services can transform the way your organization thinks about testing. Gone can be the days of maintaining X different compute environments with Y different configurations. Imagine instead spinning up just the code you need, on the machine type it needs, and only for as long as you need it. In this technical training, Melissa will walk through what containerization means for a legacy code base attempting to practice continuous integration and deployment, and provide key insight in to the sea change this provides for a testing organization. Learn from practical, real-world examples about how testing practices and pipelines can be streamlined to take advantage of the ad-hoc world of containerization. Come away with a real integration test plan that can reduce your cycle times by an order of magnitude while increasing overall product quality. Unlock the power of testing… with containers!


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