Continuous Delivery for ‘Mature’ Codebases

When starting up a greenfield project, it's easy to take advantage of the most modern development practices. But what about the rest of us, who are working on codebases greater than five minutes old? How do you take code that's four years and hundreds of thousands of SLOC, and turn that into a lean, mean, continuous-deploying machine? In this talk, Melissa will walk through what continuous integration and deployment means for teams working on mature code bases, and what the roadmap looks like to get from a release cycle that may take weeks or months to one that deploys on-demand. Expect to come away with a plan that you can implement, right now, on your own projects, with a clear view of potential pain points and pitfalls and real-world tradeoffs that your team will have to make.


Test Design for Fully-Automated Build Architectures